​Nicholas Timothy James Colfer

​Non-Executive Director

Age: 64 Appointed: May 2006

Key strengths and experience

Mr Colfer has over 40 years of experience in corporate management in the Asia Pacific region, principally in real estate, manufacturing and distribution. His tenure on the Board has provided Mr Colfer with a deep understanding of the group’s business and the wider industry environment in which it operates. This, combined with his board-level experience in several other Hong Kong organisations, enables him to provide constructive leadership and support to the Board and wider management team.

Titles, qualifications and education

BA and MA, University of Oxford

Other major offices

Tai Ping Carpets International Limited# (Non-Executive Chairman and Chairman of the Executive Committee and Nomination Committee)
Nanyang Holdings Limited# (Independent Non-Executive Chairman, Chairman of Nomination Committee and Member of Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee)
Sir Elly Kadoorie & Sons Limited* (Director)

Other information

Director of one of the group’s entities

# The securities of these companies are currently listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
* Sir Elly Kadoorie & Sons Limited oversees a number of Kadoorie family interests in Hong Kong and overseas and, as such, is associated with the substantial shareholders of the company

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